Improvement of cropping systems by integration of rice breeding: a novel genetic improvement strategy

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Rice improvement is based to an increasing extent on ever-sharper genetic analysis to the detriment of classical breeding, which is disappearing. Analytical genetics are very promising, but they cannot replace integrated and Wnalized breeding. Little attention has been paid to improving participatory rice breeding methods for subsequent integration into sustainable cropping systems. Special methodological initiatives are required to ensure the success of this breeding-agronomy integration. This integration of inexpensive breeding methods has increased the biodiversity of rice: low temperature and drought tolerant upland rice varieties for mountain areas, and polyvalent varieties, which have the ability to grow in both rainfed or irrigated conditions, they are perfectly adapted to improved cropping systems and to beneWciaries’ needs and preferences. These preliminary results on this integration demonstrate that the present approach is relevant.

Mots-clés : Riz, écosystèmes cultivés, méthodologie, amélioration variétale

Fiches techniques plantes de couverture / Stylosanthes guianensis

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Légumineuse pérenne (3 ans), érigée, non volubile, tiges lignifiées. Adaptée à de nombreux types de sols, en particulier aux sols pauvres et acides, et à tous les climats de Madagascar (moins de 1600 m.). Forte production de biomasse, même sans apport d'engrais. Fixation d'azote et recyclage de bases importants, aptitude. à extraire le phosphore du sol. Système racinaire relativement puissant. Elimine les adventices une fois installé. Gestion facile en SCV: peu de compétition, inoculation non indispensable, possibilités de l'associer à de nombreuses plantes, contrôlable sans herbicide pour remise en culture en SCV, production de graines facile, production d'un mulch qui se décompose lentement et contrôle bien les mauvaises herbes, possibilité de le laisser en place une ou plusieurs années, etc... Excellent précédent pour de nombreuses cultures: riz, maïs, etc... Excellent fourrage. Reste vert en saison sèche (alimentation des animaux en saison sèche, utilisation possible en pare-feu). Mélifère mais.... Implantation assez lente. Croissance lente en altitude. Supporte mal le surpâturage. Récolte des graines très longue. Variété recommandée: CIAT 184 (résistante à l'anthracnose)

Mots-clés : semences, stylosanthès, systèmes agropastoraux, mulch, petite agriculture familiale, scv

Imagerie des systèmes de culture durables en semis direct

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Diaporama sur alternatives aux OGM avec les systèmes de culture durables en semis direct à base de Brachiaria, sorgho ou Stylosanthes. Nouvelles variétés de riz et de soja

Mots-clés : stylosanthès, brachiaria, Adventices, soja, amélioration variétale, scv, riz pluvial, biomasse

Rapport de mission en Asie: au Laos et au Cambodge

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Au Laos : Programme R-D minimum durant l’annéede transition 2009. Au Cambodge: Poursuivre les recherches SCV en intégrantplus en plus de multifonctionnalitéopérationnelle pour une gestion toujours plus écologique des productions, des eaux et des sols. Amplifier la diffusion des SCV.

Mots-clés : Agriculture de conservation, scv, amélioration variétale, riz irrigué, riz pluvial, mécanisation, pâturage, petite agriculture familiale, Manioc, Riz

Institutional tools for the promotion of conservation agriculture in Lao PDR

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The National Agroecology Programme (PRONAE) and the Southern Xayabury Application Point (PASS) of the Capitalization and Rural Development Support Programme (PCADR) have developed an approach in the provinces of Xayabury and Xieng Khouang that relies on direct sowing mulch-based cropping systems (DMC). This approach has provided relevant alternatives to traditional agricultural practices which can no longer ensure the foundations of sustainable agriculture.

Mots-clés : Agriculture de conservation, diffusion, petite agriculture familiale, Socio-économie, politique publique, scv

Rapport de mission - Madagascar

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Evaluation de l'opération diffusion de systèmes de culture sur couverture permanente des sols (SCV). Propositions et recommandations au développement et à la recherche.

Mots-clés : Les Hautes Terres , diffusion, formation, gestion du sol, Riz, Lac Alaotra, Agriculture de conservation, scv, petite agriculture familiale, plante de couverture

(poster) Physical Characteristics of Soil under Different Cropping and Natural Systems on the Plain of Jars

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The results of the WSA analysis are promising, highlighting the positive features of forage species like B. ruziziensis and S. guianensis, which seem able to aggregate smaller soil particles. Annual records should be made for B. ruziziensis, S. guianensis and others systems, and linked with analysis of microbial activities to show the beneficial functions of each species or system in soil aggregation. It is difficult to interpret the positive features of species in regard to bulk density and soil permeability as interaction is complex and various parameters are involved. At the same value of bulk density, this parameter will be affected by article size and arrangement, and organic content. In the case of rice and pine forest, the lower bulk density is mainly related to macro-porosity (high level of permeability). In contrast, B. ruziziensis and S. guianensis showed, for lower Da, a lower value of permeability probably related to an increase of micro-porosity. This characteristic has to be analysed during subsequent measurements of Da and soil permeability data as micro-porosity is a main component influencing water retention.

Mots-clés : stylosanthès, types de sol, brachiaria, systèmes agropastoraux

What is Conservation Agriculture and SCV

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Définition de l'agriculture de conservation et des SCV en anglais.

Mots-clés : macrofaune du sol, Agriculture de conservation, mécanisation, petite agriculture familiale, scv, Intégration agriculture élevage, Biologie des sols

Rapport de mission en Guadeloupe - Propositions pour la construction d'une agriculture de conservation en Guadeloupe - Systèmes de culture à base de banane et canne à sucre

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Propositions pour la construction d'une agriculture de conservation en Guadeloupe: systèmes de culture en Semis direct SCV à base de banane et canne à sucre - Rapport de mission en Guadeloupe (17 au 25 mai 2008)

Mots-clés : Agriculture de conservation, scv, recherche-action, fertilité, gestion du sol, plante de couverture, mécanisation, écosystèmes cultivés, biomasse, Banane

(paper) Institutional tools for the promotion of Conservation Agriculture in Lao PDR

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The National Agroecology Programme (PRONAE) and the Southern Xayabury Application Point(PASS) of the Capitalization and Rural Development Support Programme (PCADR) have developed an approach in the provinces of Xayabury and Xieng Khouang that relies on direct-sowing mulch-based cropping systems (DMC). This approach has provided relevant alternatives to traditional agricultural practices which can no longer ensure the foundations of sustainable agriculture.In view of the results obtained, be they socio-economic or environmental, the Council of Ministers asked the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) to promote these techniques throughout the country, and called for this approach to be included in university and school courses. It is in that context that the Sector-based Agroecology Programme (PROSA), whose main aim is to define and implement a national strategy for the dissemination of Conservation Agriculture based on agroecological techniques (DMC), operates.This strategy is based on implementing an Agroecology Action Plan relying on the necessary incorporation ofnatural capital in rural development policies. The plan involves programming activities, setting in place decision-making and operational processes and bringing into play financial, material and human resourceson both a central and local level (province, district and sub-district). The finest level of intervention comprisesgroups of farmers linked to service centres set up by the government within the districts (Kum Ban Pattana). On each level, the agroecology action plan is to arise from an integrated and concerted approach, in which each category of rural development stakeholders is committed to a process in which their needs and skills are acknowledged by all. Likewise, on each level, it is necessary to define, in a concerted manner, the initiatives that have to be taken (diagnosis, planning, implementation, monitoring-appraisal), the tools required (training of the different stakeholders, organization and structuring of the State sector and of the private sector, contractualization between stakeholders) and the fields of involvement (extension, local development funding arrangements, management of natural resources, equipment management, organization of supplyand marketing chains, etc.). Each of the two pilot provinces, Xayabury and Xieng Khouang, is in the process of defining its Provincial Action Plan in Agroecology. An initial diagnosis of farming systems and their environmental impacts, along with the needs and contributions of each category of stakeholders, has been completed. The provinces then gave priority to defining decision-making and operational processes, and setting in place financial arrangements for the Provincial Action Plans. Initially, two funding tools are under consideration: constitution of a development fund, and agricultural credit. On a central level, the decision-making and operational processes are directly attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, notably via the Planning Department. The creation of a Research and ServiceProvider Centre in support of local and national development is envisaged. Likewise, on a central level, it is a matter of facilitating the implementation of training plans for the different stakeholders. Lastly, the inclusionof agroecology in university and school courses is under way. Also for the educational sector, it is necessary to define a training plan to strengthen the skills and abilities of teachers. The creation of a national, or even regional network associating agricultural faculties and agricultural schools would enable an economy of scale by more effectively taking advantage of complementarities and decentralization to a more functional local level.

Mots-clés : Agriculture de conservation, formation, diffusion, méthodologie, petite agriculture familiale, politique publique
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