Organic wastes originating from livestock, agro-industry or urban activities may represent true resources when recycled for new uses, for example, as soil improvers, organic fertilizers or bioenergy sources. The compositional characteristics of these organic resources (ORs) can vary considerably depending on origin, nature, processing, stage, and state. Despite being of potential interest to different stakeholders in a circular economy, the variability in OR characteristics and the difficulty of accessing reliable, fast and inexpensive analysis methods may curb the recycling of OR in the agriculture or bioenergy sectors. As is the case in other low-income countries, scarcity of data on OR characteristics and the difficulty in assessing these data (due to cost and the sparsity of laboratories) is particularly acute in Madagascar, thus impairing the rational utilization of OR in the agricultural or bioenergy sectors. Visible-near infrared spectroscopy (VIS-NIR) has proven to be suitable for the fast, re
Organic resources from Madagascar: Dataset of chemical and near-infrared spectroscopy measurements
Chemical and biochemical quality of organic and/ or mineral fertilization resources - A dataset from the Highlands of Madagascar
basic understanding of the fertilization resources (FR) characteristics is required to drive soil functions following the FR application, and to improve crop productivity. The datasets presented include the FR characteristics, i.e. their nutrient contents and biochemical quality, and their effects on soil in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization. We selected nineteen FR from local farmers, from laboratory institution and from commercial producers. The soil used in experiment was sampled in Imerintsiatosika locality, located in the Central Highlands of Madagascar. Nutrient contents of FR were evaluated by measuring total carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur contents. Biochemical quality of the products was assayed by fractioning organic matter of organic resources in soluble compartments, hemicelluloses, celluloses and lignin equivalent. Laboratory incubations in microcosm experiments were conducted with the mixture of soil and fertilization resources to determine C
Carbon footprint of smallholder farms in Central Madagascar: The integration of agroecological practices
The carbon footprint (CFP) assessment of smallholders offers key information on the capacities and challenges for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation at farm scale. This allows prioritizing the practices that ensure both the food security of farmers and the low carbon impact associated to climate change. To tackle food security challenges and to maintain sustainable environment production, agroecological practices were planned for farmers in the Itasy region, Central Highlands of Madagascar. The project consisted of agroforestry and forestry systems, composting of organic matters, and system of rice intensification. The goals of this study were (i) to assess the CFP of farms in the Itasy region Central Madagascar, (ii) to assess the impact of agroecological practices adopted by farmers on farms CFP, and (iii) to compare the impact of Tier 1 and Tier 3 factors for carbon removal in woody biomass and in cropland soils on farms CFP. For these purposes, a survey of 192 representative farms was realized during the yea
Intensification écologique de l’agriculture des Hautes Terres centrales de Madagascar
L’agriculture des Hautes Terres centrale de Madagascar est confrontée à d’importantes contraintes biophysique, technique, social et économique. Le niveau de vie des agriculteurs reste faible, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle est menacée, l’accès aux marchés agricoles et aux intrants (même organiques) est variable et insuffisant. La démographie tend à réduire les facteurs de production des exploitations agricoles et le changement climatique renforce les difficultés. Ces dernières années, les travaux de la recherche ont permis de mieux décrire et comprendre le fonctionnement et les contraintes des exploitations agricoles et d’autres acteurs des territoires, d’étudier les pratiques et de co-construire avec les agriculteurs de nouvelles techniques de production plus performantes et durables. Les résultats présentés ici sont destinés aux décideurs avec l’objectif de fournir des éléments pour soutenir le développement de l’agriculture des Hautes Terres, et plus particulièrement des cultures pluviales et de l’élevage, basée sur les principes de l’agroécologie, pour contribuer à la croissance économique et à la sécurité alimentaire, avec une amélioration du bienêtre des ménages agricoles et dans le respect de l’environnement.