Olympe is a software developed by INRA , IAMM and CIRAD to model and simulate cropping and farming systems functioning. As it is based on economic analysis that considers contextual components, it enables to identify and model one or several farmers‟ strategies and trajectories. Prospective analysis is also possible, including prices volatility or climatic eventsand their impacts. This tool was first developed in close cooperation with research institutions involved in tropical agriculture and testedin different case studies , including agroforestry systems,in North and West Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America, leading to a wide variety of applications. Such variety displays the richness that can be expected from reliable and representative farming sys tems studies at various levels. These levels go from the simple comparison between two cropping sy stems, through farming system modelling and further monitoring or counselling, to study of entire irrigated schemes at regional level, prospective analysis and elaboration of potential scenarios and role games. Such diversity in uses can be addressed to anequal diversity of actors : farmers, project or community leaders, extension institutions, researchers and policy makers.
Olympe, a multiscale tool to explore management options in Agroforestry Systems
Cette mission a été réalisée dans le cadre d’un Projet régional de recherche (N°2000-137) financé par le Ministère Français des Affaires Étrangères. Ce projet, coordonné depuis Accra (Ghana) par M. Jean Luc Battini, a pour objectif la « Mise au point de systèmes de cacao-culture compétitifs et durables en Afrique de l'Ouest et du centre » (Annexe 1). La priorité du projet est la compréhension préalable du fonctionnement des exploitations agricoles et leur modélisation, grâce à des études et à des opérations de recherche-action conduites en milieu paysan. L’objectif de cette mission était de former les chercheurs participant au Projet à l’utilisation d’un outil d’approche systémique des exploitations agricoles : le logiciel « Olympe ».