In Laos, the agrarian transition is characterized by rapid changes in agricultural
production systems. Since the early 2000s, a transition has been taking place, away
from subsistence agriculture, primarily based on rice cultivation, forest gathering and
extensive livestock farming, and towards market-oriented agricultural production
systems, with a significant and rapid increase in crops grown for export (Figure 5.1)
to neighbouring countries, mainly China, Thailand and Vietnam. This transition
has been facilitated by the implementation of successive public policies to limit the
use of shifting cultivation and to modernize agriculture (Box 5.1), and by the result
of the country becoming
Réduction du ruissellement et de l'érosion par les SCV pour les cultures pluviales des hautes terres malgaches / Reduced water runoff and erosion by DMC under rainfed conditions in the highlands of Madagascar
The present study was carried out in the cotton belt in the Far-North Province of Cameroon. It has been focused on the physical properties of soils under mulch-based cropping systems. The experimental design was drawn from one on Direct seeding Mulch-based Cropping system (DMC) trial location under a controlled conditions in the region of Kaéle (700-800 mm mean annual rainfall), and where a network of 20 farmers is carrying out on-farm trials in the region of Maroua (800 mm mean annual rainfall),. Plots under mulch-based cropping systems established 2, 3 or 4 years ago were compared against farmers' traditional plots under direct seeding without mulch or with tillage practice. These plots were cropped with sorghum or cotton. Using the gravimetric method it has been shown that the apparent density of soils on the upper horizons under DMC was lower compared to soils from the farmers' traditional cropping systems. Bulk density values lie between 1.2 g/cm3 to 1.5 g/cm3 against 1.6 g/cm3 to 1.7 g/cm3 for farmers' traditional control plots. These results are due to an increase in soil porosity induced probably by a higher soil biological activity. A better water infiltration was also obtained'under DMC against the farmers' traditional systems. These mean infiltration values were obtained using the double ring and «Beer can» methods, and lie between 0.9 to 5 mm min-1 for the mulch-based system against 0.6 to 1 mm min-1 for the farmers' traditional systems. This study shows that after a period of less than 3 years under DMC an improvement of the physical properties of the soil was clearly obtained, notably soil porosity and consequently soil water dynamics. This improvement affects the soil water availability and therefore water supply to the crops.
Impactos do sistema de plantio direto com cobertura vegetal (spdcv) sobre a dinâmica da água, do nitrogênio mineral e do carbono do solo do cerrado brasileiro
Artigo originalmente publicado sob o título Impacts des systèmes de culture en semis direct avec couverture végétale (SCV) sur la dynamique de l'eau, de l'azote minéral et du carbone du sol dans les cerrados brésiliens, no periódico Cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones/Agricultures. Volume 14, Numéro 1, 71-75, janvier-février 2005. Nas regiões tropicais, principalmente no Cerrado brasileiro, para assegurar uma produção agrícola sustentável, é preciso recorrer a novos sistemas de cultura. Por isso, foi desenvolvido o Sistema de Plantio Direto com Cobertura Vegetal (SPDCV), que preconiza o não-revolvimento do solo e o cultivo de plantas de cobertura, antes ou depois da cultura comercial, para produzir mais biomassa e proteger permanentemente o solo. Desde 1999, vários estudos vêm sendo realizados no âmbito de um projeto de pesquisa franco-brasileiro. O principal objetivo foi quantificar os efeitos do SPDCV sobre a dinâmica da água, do nitrogênio e do carbono no perfil do solo. Os resultados permitiram confirmar que o uso desse sistema diminui significativamente o escoamento superficial e a erosão hídrica do solo. Nele, a oferta global de nitrogênio para a cultura comercial é maior. Além do mais, a planta de cobertura pode aproveitar a água e o nitrogênio não utilizados pela planta comercial para produzir mais biomassa, restituindo nutrientes para a próxima cultura comercial. Considerando as importantes restituições de biomassa proporcionadas por esse novo sistema a várias espécies cultivadas por ano, o SPDCV resultou em um balanço positivo de carbono e no aumento da taxa de matéria orgânica do solo. Termos para indexação: plantas de coberturas, reciclagem, utilização de biomassa, matéria orgânica, modelagem.
Appui au volet SCV du projet Eau-Sol-Arbre sur l'analyse des impacts des SCV sur la valorisation de la ressource pluviométrique - Rapport de mission au Nord Cameroun
l'objectif de cette mission était d'apporter un appui au projet ESA pour la valorisation des données 2002 et 2003 sur les parcelles en milieu paysans et sur les sites semi controlés du projet et également d'apporter un appui pour l'adaptation du dispositif de suivi des 300 parcelles prévues pour 2004.
The soil organic carbon (SOC) content depends strongly on soil management and
especially the level and quality of organic restitution to the soil. The SOC pool is the net result of carbon (C) input in the form of crop residue and biomass, and output including CO2 flux and other losses (Duiker, 2000). Changes in soil management can alter SOC content. A substantial increase in the SOC content in the 10 cm topsoil layer in no-tillagesoils compared with soils under natural vegetation and long-term conventional tillage (CT) (Séguy et al. 2003 ) can occur due to high crop-residue input and lack of soil disturbance.
In the "Cerrados" of Central Brazil, direct seeding mulch based cropping systems (DMC) applied by farmers have been adapted to tropical conditions (high temperature,high rainfall and resulting high rates of organic matter mineralization). Generally, time saved with no-tillage allowed farmers to plant another crop in the same year, producing additional biomass, increasing thereby organic matter entries into the soil,and maintaining the soil surface always covered and protected from soil erosion (pictures). However, the level of biomass restitution, and the long term impact on C sequestration in DMC systems will differ in function of the type of commercial crop rotation, the species used as cover-crops, the level of productivity and the farmer's management (Séguy et al., 2003.
Evaluation du système du «zéro travail» dans les différentes régions (Mateur,Goubellat, Bou Salem, Krib, Kef) par rapport au système traditionnel avec travail du sol, chaque fois que les conditions de mise en place des 2 systèmes le permet;Construction du système de «semis direct» qui nécessite des plantes de couverture de
renfort dans le système «zéro travail» (produire plus de biomasse au-dessus et dans le sol carbone, «coudre le sol» pour lui conférer à la fois résistance à l’érosion et fermeté facilitant l’accès des machines à la parcelle, sans dommages); les bases de cette construction du «semis direct» ont été établies pour mise en place immédiate dans les différentes régions Recommandations pour le suivi de l’érosion, des externalités en général, de la dynamique de l’eau, dans les systèmes de culture comparés (zéro travail et conventionnel).
New concepts for sustainable management of cultivated soils through direct seeding mulch based cropping systems: the CIRAD experience, partnership and networks
Direct seeding mulch based cropping systems (DMC) form an attractive alternative to combat soil degradation and to sustain agricultural activities in many countries of the world. Since 20 years CIRAD in partnership with several national and international research organisations, contributes to enhance this type of cropping systems through developing new concepts and adapting them to different environmental and socio-economical conditions. Organic matter management is the key factor for the efficient functioning of these systems and aims at maintaining the soil permanently covered and protected by a vegetal mulch. In the humid zones of the tropics where mineralisation of crop residues is rapid due to favourable environmental conditions, it has been necessary to introduce additional cover crops before and/or after the main commercial crops (figure 1). These cover crops have been selected in order to mimic the functioning of the natural forest ecosystem of these regions. Thus, an efficient cover crop is able to rapidly produce biomass even in marginal growing conditions and it has a strong and well developed root system for an optimal use of soil resources. These characteristics permit to produce biomass when climatic conditions are risky (at the beginning or at the end of the rainy season and even during the dry season), maintaining the soil
covered through all year. Besides, the cover crop is a means to recycle soil water and nutrients that have not been taken up by the commercial crop, avoiding irreversible nutrient losses by leaching. The concept of “nutrient pumps” applied to cover crops
has been fundamental to improve the sustainable production of annual crops with DMC in the humid tropics.
D'une agriculture destructive avec labour vers une agriculture durable avec les systèmes de semis direct sur couverture végétale permanente du sol : 20 ans de recherches du CIRAD et des ses partenaires Brésiliens dans les régions des Cerrados au Brésil.
L'écosystème des Cerrados des zones tropicales humides du Brésil occupe 200 mill'ons d'hectares dont la moitié pourrait être utilisé à des fins de productions agricoles. Actuellement seulement 50 mill'ons sont effectivement utilisés, essentiellement par des paturages (80%). Au début de cette coneversion an terres agricoles dans les années 70, les techniques conventionnelles de travail du sol directement transférées des pays industrialisés ont ruinés rapidement la fertilité des sols du fait de l'érosion et de la minéralisation excessive de la matière organique du sol. Pour éliminer rapidement et efficacement ces conséquences, le CIRAD et ses différents partenaires ont développés de nouvelles techniques de systèmes de semis direct à base de couverture permanete du sol (SCV - DMC en anglais pour Direct seeding Mulch based Cropping systems). Ces systèmes SCV qui tendent à imiter l'écosystème de la forêt primaire, ont été amélioré petit à petit aux niveaux agronomique, écologique, technique et économique. Le snouveaux systèmes SCV sont basés sur la diversification et l'usage optimal de la biodiversité, écartant la monoculture. Différentes successions annuelles de cultures commerciales et couvertures ont été testées avec quelquefois jusque trois cultures successives par an. Dans le contexte des Cerrados, ces nouveaux systèmes SCV et des programmes associés de sélection végétale (sélection intégrée aux systèmes SCV), ont accru la productivité de toutes les principales cultures commerciales de la région. Dans toutes les situations, la productivité de tout le système est augmentée significativement : de 6 à 8 t/ha/an de biomasse totale produite par une simple, peu rentable, culture commerciale à 30 t/ha/an de biomasse totale avec les plus efficaces des systèmes SCV.