Dans les zones de montagne au Nord du Vietnam, la faible fertilité chimique résultant d’une gestion traditionnelle oblige à une correction pour espérer des niveaux de production satisfaisants. Cependant, la faible capacité d’investissement des populations agricoles ne leur permet pas d’avoir recours à des apports massifs en engrais chimiques et amendements organiques et calcaires. L’écobuage, qui consiste en une combustion lente et partielle de la
matière organique du sol, permet de retrouver des conditions favorables à moindre coût.
Il doit être obligatoirement associé aux couvertures végétales.
Volet dispositif d’appui technique et formation
RAPPORT GENERAL D’EXECUTION Hautes Terres et Moyen Ouest Rapport de campagne 2005-2006
RAPPORT GENERAL D’EXECUTION Hautes Terres et Moyen Ouest Rapport de campagne 2005-2006
Démarche, expérimentations, dispositifs
Résultats agro-technico-économiques sur les hautes terres de Madagascar (Moyen Ouest et hautes terres)
Diaporama talking about problems of conventional ploughing (erosion, run-off), and principles of DMC, with litter, MOS, roots, soil cover, N fixation, nutrients recycling, biological pump. The different mulch: imported or produced, living mulch, in association with trees or animals. Worldwide of DMC in different zoes and examples all around the world.
Land degradation is an inevitable result of continuing shifting cultivation under these circumstances. There is an urgent need to change existing sloping land use by smallholder mountainous farmers to prevent potentially disastrous consequences. In a small country with high population density, like Vietnam, the problems are particularly serious. In this contextn the upland agro-ecology approach has become the most promising way of maintaining sustainable agricultural production. This research was implemented by VASI and CIRAD with promising results.
In the highlands, lowland paddy rice remains the prevailing cropping system but livestock activities produce 80-90% of the generated income. In the warm valleys, lowland paddy rice also prevails but cash crops are becoming increasingly significant in terms of both generated income and dedicated labour force. More diverse cropping systems are present in the uplands and sloping areas, but in all cases the importance of the rice crop in achieving household food security is decreasing.
Traditional farming systems have drastically changed over the last fifteen years in southern Xayabury province through considerable agricultural development based on rainfed cash crops production such as maize, rice-bean (Vigna umbellata), peanut, Job's tears (Coîx lacryma), black cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and sesame. This development depends mainly on local market accessibility, transfer of technologies from Thailand and financial capacities of local traders (inputs, heavy mechanization and technical skills from Thailand).
Rapport de Lucien Séguy au Nord Cameroun sur projet ESA, développement de l'agroécologie par les systèmes SCV novateurs combinant coton, riz pluvial, sorgho et plantes de couverture et fourrages, en continuant les systèmes déjà implantés et en testant les nouvelles fumures, nouvelles solutions salines pour substituer le glyphosate, et systèmes sur sol karé.
Caractéristiques des variétés SEBOTA: cycle, résistance aux maladies, qualité des grains, systèmes de culture pluviaux ou irrigués avec ou sans maîtrise de l'eau, SRI, SRA,
Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is known as a very invasive weed, difficult to get rid of. All over the world, practices have been developed to try to eradicate this widely spread and common weed (Burton and Hanna, 1984). They are often based on intense land preparation with several ploughings, especially at the beginning of the dry season, and important work for removing the rhizomes and weeding during the cultivation period. However, Cynodon dactylon is a good forage, widely used by farmers to feed their animals. But it also has several properties of a good cover crop: growing on poor soil, rapidly covering the soil and thus preventing erosion, having a deep and dense rooting system (improving soil structure, recycling nutrients), suppressing most other weeds, etc. Trying to get benefit from these qualities instead of fighting against this «weed», TAFA (Tany sy Fampandrosoana) and CIRAD (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement), with farmers, have developed techniques of direct seeding, using Cynodon dactylon as a soil cover, in various agro-ecological areas of Madagascar.
Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is known as a very invasive weed, difficult to get rid of. All over the world, practices have been developed to try to eradicate this widely spread and common weed (Burton and Hanna, 1984). They are often based on intense land preparation with several ploughings and important work for removing the rhizomes and weeding. However, Cynodon dactylon is a good forage and has several properties of a good cover crop: growing on poor soil, rapidly covering the soil and thus preventing erosion, having a deep and dense rooting system (improving soil structure, recycling nutrients), suppressing most other weeds, etc. Trying to get benefit from these qualities, TAFA and CIRAD have developed with farmers techniques of direct seeding, using Cynodon dactylon as a soil cover.