Impact of Urban Development and Market Access on Farming Systems Evolution in Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR

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In the highlands, lowland paddy rice remains the prevailing cropping system but livestock activities produce 80-90% of the generated income. In the warm valleys, lowland paddy rice also prevails but cash crops are becoming increasingly significant in terms of both generated income and dedicated labour force. More diverse cropping systems are present in the uplands and sloping areas, but in all cases the importance of the rice crop in achieving household food security is decreasing.

Mots-clés : petite agriculture familiale, systèmes agroforestiers, écosystèmes cultivés, Riz, Les Hautes Terres , Socio-économie, Intégration agriculture élevage

Rapport de mission au Laos - Morphopedological and agronomic appraisal in the resettlement zone for the farmers of Nakai plateau (Laos)

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The mission took place from 8 to 18 may 2005. Financed by AFD, it was requested by the Laotian Ministry of industry, NTPC and AFD. It was conducted within the framework of the coming resettlement of farmers whose present land on Nakai plateau will be flooded by water impounded by the Nam Theun dam at the end of 2009.

Mots-clés : Agriculture de conservation, petite agriculture familiale, types de sol, morphopédologie, fertilité