Comparison of conventional and direct seeding techniques on lowland ecosystem South of Sayaboury province - PDR Lao (poster)

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The present study, conducted during the rainy season 2002, analyses agro-economic components of conventional transplanting and direct seeded rice on lowland ecosystem (lower and upper terrace). Direct seeded rice varieties, on weeds and rice residues, have been tested on uppers terraces where no conventional rice system could be performed.

Mots-clés : riz inondé, riz irrigué, TCS - Techniques culturales simplifiées, Socio-économie, scv

Global Program On Direct Sowing, Mulch-Based And Conservation Agriculture (GP-DMC)(poster)

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The GP-DMC (direct sowing, mulch-based and conservation agriculture)program is a Global Partnership Program under GFAR (Global Forum on Agricultural Research). It is an international initiative that aims to strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders to develop suitable DMC systems and to accelerate their wide adoption.

Mots-clés : gestion du sol, diffusion, politique publique, systèmes agraires, scv

Cropping systems and organic matter dynamics: direct seeding on plant cover, an agricultural revolution

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Tillage accelerates organic matter destruction under tropical agriculture conditions. No-till cropping systems involving direct seeding on permanent plant cover enable short-term soil restoration. Cover plant choices are crucial. Soil carbon can thus be boosted to levels generally found in natural ecosystems, even when starting from degraded soils. Direct seeding systems promote net CO2 storage rather than net production. CIRAD has been working on such systems in Brazil, Asia, Réunion and Madagascar. This poster reports some results obtained in central-western Brazil (hot humid tropical area).

Mots-clés : séquestration de carbone, MOS, mulch, scv

Communicating and sharing knowledge, Researchers from the south participate in the World Wide Web to sustain agriculture

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Taking into account all available resources, MEDIACOM adapts Internet open source applications (php, xml, etc...) to economically cover the expressed needs throught a bottom-up approach and with a conservation & free sharing goal, using Internet and multimedia oportunities.

Mots-clés : diffusion, méthodologie, fertilité

Le paillage du sol Une alternative techniquement simple (poster)

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Le système techniquement le plus simple consiste à un semis direct dans un paillage constitué des mauvaises herbes et/ou de mulch importé permet de découvrir le semis direct et l’intérêt d’une couverture du sol pour lutter contre l’érosion, réduire l’évaporation de l’eau, restaurer une activité biologique et contrôler

Mots-clés : Riz, mulch, scv, biomasse

No-tillage for the diversification of rice-based farming systems in Cambodia (poster)

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The results from the trials showed the technical and economic feasibility, as well as the social acceptance of cultivation on soybeans and mungbeans under no-tillage after rice. The main role of No-tillage was to allow the cultivation of a second crop after rice, thus taking advantage of the residual soil moisture. However, the system is not yet completely turned into No-tillage, because rice is still being cultivated under conventional system. It is necessary to know which could be the incentives for the farmers to change the system of rice cultivation.

Mots-clés : mulch, soja, Socio-économie, scv

Direct-sowing, mulch-based and conservation agriculture international initiative (poster GFAR Dakar 2003)

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Ce poster du réseau DMC (Direct Seeding, mulch based and Conservation Agriculture) a été présenté à la conférence GFAR 2003 de Dakar.

Mots-clés : Socio-économie, politique publique, scv

Implementing direct seeding techniques for the rainfed upland rice South of Sayaboury province - PDR Lao (poster)

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Implementing direct seeding techniques and rotations with cash crops for the upland rice system. Two main systems of direct-seeded rice were conducted are implemented : i) on former crop residues, ii) on former and cover crop(Brachiaria ruziziensis).

Mots-clés : brachiaria, érosion, Socio-économie, scv, riz pluvial, couverture permanente

Une gamme de systèmes de culture Pour les sols bruns karstiques (poster)

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Sur sols bruns karstiques, les principaux problèmes sont liés aux fortes pentes favorisant l’érosion, à la mauvaise structure du sol, à la faible activité biologique, à la faible fertilité chimique (N) pour la culture du maïs, et aux mauvaises herbes. Les systèmes de culture à base de semis direct avec couverture végétale permettent d’apporter des réponses à ces différentes contraintes

Mots-clés : Les Hautes Terres , systèmes agropastoraux, scv, Intégration agriculture élevage

Key agronomic factors affecting the success of Conservation Agriculture in the irrigated cropping systems of the Bajio (Mexico) (poster)

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The smallholder farmers of the Bajio face serious threats to the sustainability of their agriculture such as decreasing profitability of cereal farming, dwindling availability of irrigation water and degradation of soil fertility. Conservation Agriculture (CA) constitutes a very attractive alternative as it promises to bring about instantaneous reductions in production costs, savings in irrigation water and gradual improvements of soil fertility.

Mots-clés : petite agriculture familiale, Bilan hydrique, Socio-économie, scv, couverture permanente
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