Rapport de recherche campagne 2007-2008

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Les SCV ont à court terme un intérêt pour les agriculteurs utilisant peu la traction animale et dans les zones où la culture du sorgho laisse une importante quantité de résidus sur le sol. Pour améliorer les systèmes il s’avère que l’obtention de moyens pour broyer les résidus sur place dès la récolte est primordiale. Le broyage des tiges de cotonnier voir des tiges de sorgho ou de mil permettrait l’obtention d’une couverture de sol optimale, une optimisation des restitutions organiques et minérales et de pouvoir semer le plus tôt possible dès les prochaines pluies en facilitant le travail. Ce sera le défi principal pour 2008 dans la perspective de continuité du projet SCV après la clôture du PASE1

Mots-clés : recherche-action, TCS - Techniques culturales simplifiées, petite agriculture familiale, Coton, scv, biomasse

Fiches techniques plantes de couverture / Stylosanthes guianensis

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Légumineuse pérenne (3 ans), érigée, non volubile, tiges lignifiées. Adaptée à de nombreux types de sols, en particulier aux sols pauvres et acides, et à tous les climats de Madagascar (moins de 1600 m.). Forte production de biomasse, même sans apport d'engrais. Fixation d'azote et recyclage de bases importants, aptitude. à extraire le phosphore du sol. Système racinaire relativement puissant. Elimine les adventices une fois installé. Gestion facile en SCV: peu de compétition, inoculation non indispensable, possibilités de l'associer à de nombreuses plantes, contrôlable sans herbicide pour remise en culture en SCV, production de graines facile, production d'un mulch qui se décompose lentement et contrôle bien les mauvaises herbes, possibilité de le laisser en place une ou plusieurs années, etc... Excellent précédent pour de nombreuses cultures: riz, maïs, etc... Excellent fourrage. Reste vert en saison sèche (alimentation des animaux en saison sèche, utilisation possible en pare-feu). Mélifère mais.... Implantation assez lente. Croissance lente en altitude. Supporte mal le surpâturage. Récolte des graines très longue. Variété recommandée: CIAT 184 (résistante à l'anthracnose)

Mots-clés : semences, stylosanthès, systèmes agropastoraux, mulch, petite agriculture familiale, scv

Auto-Toxicity of Barley Residues in Direct Sowing

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TP content could explain partially the auto-toxic potential of barley, leaving the eventuality of other allelochemicals to be implicated in. Auto-toxic potential was not stable over time, indicating that is not highly genetically controlled. In fact, a relatively dry 00/01 GS, characterized by the highest concentrations of phenolic acids in BP tissues, was the sole GS that showed a significant relationship (r = 0.42, p < 0.10) between RG inhibition and TP and at the same time (r = 0.46, p < 0.8) between CL/RL ratio and TP, though the probability level in both cases was relatively high. Three phenolic acids (POH, SYR, PCO) were found to be involved significantly in the expression of barley auto-toxicity. The most present phenolic acid (VAN) in barley plant tissue did not show an individual significant role in barley auto-toxicity, suggesting rather a synergetic effect with one or more implicated phenolic acids. Also, the less frequent phenolic acid (FER) was the sole involved with CL/RL ratio, suggesting that its effect is a differential allocation of dry matter in favor of barley shoot growth. ‘Rihane’ was the sole barley variety of which TP content was significantly correlated to barley auto-toxicity27/11/2014TP content could explain partially the auto-toxic potential of barley, leaving the eventuality of other allelochemicals to be implicated in. Auto-toxic potential was not stable over time, indicating that is not highly genetically controlled. In fact, a relatively dry 00/01 GS, characterized by the highest concentrations of phenolic acids in BP tissues, was the sole GS that showed a significant relationship (r = 0.42, p < 0.10) between RG inhibition and TP and at the same time (r = 0.46, p < 0.8) between CL/RL ratio and TP, though the probability level in both cases was relatively high.

Mots-clés : orge, allélopathie, Adventices

Institutional tools for the promotion of conservation agriculture in Lao PDR

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The National Agroecology Programme (PRONAE) and the Southern Xayabury Application Point (PASS) of the Capitalization and Rural Development Support Programme (PCADR) have developed an approach in the provinces of Xayabury and Xieng Khouang that relies on direct sowing mulch-based cropping systems (DMC). This approach has provided relevant alternatives to traditional agricultural practices which can no longer ensure the foundations of sustainable agriculture.

Mots-clés : Agriculture de conservation, diffusion, petite agriculture familiale, Socio-économie, politique publique, scv

Soil aggregation, water-holding capacity, and biological activity under no-till systems and cropping sequences in the Lao PDR.

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In the four southern districts (Kenthao, Paklay,Boten, and Thongmixay) of Xayabury province, the current cropping systems are based on cash crop production. Maize is the main crop under rainfed conditions and covers more than 30,000 ha in the region. Land preparation is based mainly on plowing, which degrades soil and destroys infrastructures (paddy fields and roads). These deteriorations result from growing pressure on agricultural systems and farmers’ lack of access to affordable labour.

Mots-clés : gestion du sol, sans travail du sol, TCS - Techniques culturales simplifiées, propriétés physico-chimiques du sol, scv

A farmer-group based approach linking research and development for the promotion of Conservation Agricultural in the Lao PDR.

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A holistic approach, based on a permanent link between research and development, has been implemented by the Lao National Agro-Ecology Programme (PRONAE – PCADR,NAFRI), the Rural Development Project of the four southern districts of Xayabury province (PASS – PCADR, LCG), and the Sector-based Programme on Agroecology (PROSA, MAF), in partnership with the department of agriculture and forestry of Xayabury and Xieng Khouang provinces.

Mots-clés : Agriculture de conservation, diffusion, petite agriculture familiale, scv

Principes SCV

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Principes des SCV en vidéo: couverture végétale permanente: pas de labour, rotations et associations des cultures

Mots-clés : sans travail du sol, scv

Rice potentiel in Xieng Kuhang

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Extrait du documentaire PLANTEZ COUVERT !

Mots-clés : scv

Ruissellements et bilans hydriques de systèmes de culture avec labour et en semis direct sur couverture végétale sur les hautes terres malgaches

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Pluviométries, Ruissellement, seuils, bilan hydrique sur hauts plateaux malgaches

Mots-clés : Climat, aménagement du territoire, TCS - Techniques culturales simplifiées, Bilan hydrique, scv

Organic Residues Management and Tropical Soils Functioning

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Tropical soils caracteristics, SOC, Demography, Hunger, Food security, soils erosions, biofuels, cereal productions, agricultural intensification, soil management, sustainability.

Mots-clés : Climat, séquestration de carbone, types de sol, érosion, MOS, Socio-économie, biomasse
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