Manuel SCV Madagascar Version intégrale

 MANUEL SCV | | 4 vue(s) |     

Mots-clés : SCV, Manuel SCV, Semis direct, Couverture permanente, Agriculture de conservation, GSDM

Volume I - Chapitre 2

 MANUEL SCV | | 0 vue(s) |     

Mots-clés : SCV, Manuel SCV, Manuel pratique du semis direct à Magadascar, Semis direct, Agriculture de conservation

Volume I - Chapitre 1

 MANUEL SCV | | 3 vue(s) |     

Mots-clés : SCV, Manuel SCV, Manuel pratique du semis direct à Magadascar, Semis direct, Agriculture de conservation, GSDM

Chapitre I et II version anglaise

 MANUEL SCV | | 1 vue(s) |     

Mots-clés : SCV, Functioning and management of dmc, Agriculture de conservation, Dmc, Functioning, Principes

Co-designing innovative cropping systems that match biophysical and socio-economic diversity. The DATE approach to Conservation Agriculture in Madagascar, Lao PDR and Cambodia HUSSON O et al, 2014

 PUBLICATION | | 3 vue(s) |     

Mots-clés : Innovation, Step-by-step design, Co-construction, Co-design, Dmc, Agriculture de conservation, Learning, Learning process, Participatory, Approche participative, Participatory approach, Tropical, Condition tropicale, Tropical conditions, SCV