Short-term effect of no-tillage on profitability, soil fertility and microbiota: a case study in a tropical ecosystem (altitude plains, Lao PDR) LIENHARD Pascal, TIVET Florent, CHABANNE André , KHAMHUNG A., PANYASIRI K., MARON P-a., RANJARD. L., SéGUY Lucien acte de colloque | Mis en ligne : 04/11/2014 | Publié : 2011 | 0.24 Mo | ID 13 | Macro aggregates disruption, enhanced soil aeration and mixing of residues into the soil induced changes in microbial communities’ activity and organic C losses. Mots-clés : macrofaune du sol, MOS, Les Hautes Terres , scv, Biologie des sols 1/1