The Alaotra Lake is a wide region. Thus, there are a lot of different types of farm depending on the location, the production activities, the size and many different situations ... That explains why the dissemination and adoption of CA systems and ICS (Innovative Cropping Systems) hasn’t reached the same level in all the different zones. But, in general, Alaotra farmers are not reluctant to CA adoption at the conditions that quality extension is available for technical support and monitoring for several years (3 to 5). It is just easier and faster when the proposed systems fit with the farmers’ expectations. Here, the first challenge is to find a variety of systems that respond to the variety of situations to increase the assimilation process; but the actual important challenge is to integrate these systems sustainably into the farm production systems. Indeed, with the current restrictive national context (no agricultural politics, no incentive measures), it is crucial to create “perennial” production systems trough perennial process of innovation which is probably the most important challenge in the next future.CA does not extend spontaneously with surroundings farmers. It might be too early to effectively measure or record any trend in dissemination. However, a heart of knowledge, know-how and CA practices has been created with around 1000 farmers on 600/700 hectares of CA since 10 year. The Vakinankaratra highland area suffers from major technical constraints linked with major socio-economic lead to a situation where CA does not provide a solution acceptable for local farmers. Three main factors are not in favor of C A with current systems : i) competition for biomass between CA cropping systems (mulch) and livestock feeding requirement, 2) Coldness of the dry season with unadapted cover or associated crops leading to insufficient mulch and iii) delay in growth of crops in CA systemsThe do observe a new situation an a new trend since 10 years with the recent boom on upland rice on tanety, opening a new field or research to suggest solutions for soil fertility maintenance with rice based cropping systems.