Conservation agriculture and ecological intensification of small scale farms in the tropics

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primary biomass production in the functioning of the soil system, OMC introduces multifunctional cover crops, growing intercropped or in sequence with the main commercial crop. The introduction of cover crops leads to better utilization of available natura resources, maximization of biomass production and higher organic restitutions to the soil system.

Mots-clés : petite agriculture familiale, recherche-action, politique publique

Engaging local communities in negotiating their own pathway towards conservation-oriented agricultural practices

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Since the opening of the country to the market economy in 1986, the Government of Laos (GoL) has invested considerable efforts into modernizing its agriculture. Village land use planning and land registration are being used by the GoL to promote an intensification of agriculture - from extensive subsistence-oriented shifting cultivation, deemed unproductive and poverty-creating, to more intensive and market-oriented cropping systems

Mots-clés : petite agriculture familiale, politique publique, scv, Intégration agriculture élevage

Enhancing land productivity while preserving natural resources in the mountains of Kham district

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Constrained by a hilly topography and long distances to the main economic centers of the province, agriculture in the northern part of Kham district has long been dominated by traditional slash-and-burn shifting cultivation. In general, the plots are cropped with glutinous rice during one year, sometimes planted with traditional maize varieties the following year, and left fallowed for 3 to 15 years depending on the distance of the plot to the village and the associated land pressure. In these forested environments, NTFPs are traditionally an important source of food.

Mots-clés : diffusion, plante de couverture, systèmes agropastoraux, politique publique, scv, Intégration agriculture élevage

The conservation agriculture network for South East Asia (CANSEA) an initiative to develop and disseminate CA int South East Asia

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Proposition of network of Conservation Agriculture in Southwest Asia. CANSEA is a structured regional organisation aimed at implementing projects of regional interest with regional comparable research designs, harmonized environmental and economic assessment methods and comparable impact indicators.

Mots-clés : politique publique, scv

Quelques éléments de réflexions sur l'avenir de l'Agriculture Cambodgienne

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Cet article fait suite au bref compte rendu de séminaire publié dans le cn n°292. Il vise à développer, expliciter et peut-être articuler plus clairement quelques éléments clefs à combiner dans une réflexion générale sur le(s) futur(s) possible(s) de l’agriculture cambodgienne.Conduire cette réflexion autour de scénarii prospectifs, aujourd’hui, est primordial ? il sera probablement trop tard demain ! Car l’agriculture cambodgienne est à la croisée des chemins, et des voies possibles divergentes s’ouvrent devant elle , des orientations stratégiques sont à prendre et elles ne seront pas anodines car elles influeront sur le devenir du monde paysan (> 75% de la population, # 90 % de la pauvreté), la protection de l’environnement et l’aménagement du territoire, l’émergence d'un secteur agro-industriel comme pilier supplémentaire de l’économie nationale. Il faudra également imaginer et financer les moyens de mise en oeuvre effective, sur des échelles nationales, de ces politiques, car à quoi bon multiplier des stratégies sans tactique !Deux grandes questions centrales doivent structurer ces nouvelles orientations de politique agricole :- comment sécuriser et intensifier la production rizicole des régions centrales du pays qui concerne près de 70% de la population active- comment combiner sur les vastes réserves foncières des régions périphériques, l’émergence d'une agriculture familiale commerciale performante, travaillant en étroite collaboration avec un secteur agro-industriel, tout en préservant efficacement les ressources naturelles (forêts - biodiversité, eau, sol).

Mots-clés : agriculture durable, petite agriculture familiale, foncier, Riz, Socio-économie, politique publique

O plantio directo sobre cobuertura vegetal permanente (PDSCV) Como funciona ?

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O presente documento é uma tradução adaptada e melhorada de um documento em língua nativa destinado aos agricultores. Ele constitui um auxílio precioso para os extensionistas de campo ao solucionar repostas às perguntas que os agricultores podem fazer a respeito do Plantio Direto Sobre Cobertura Vegetal permanente(PDSCV).Não é um documento metodológico nem fichas técnicas, mais simplesmente um documento de sensibilização às técnicas PDSCV.Estas técnicas muito difundidas na América do Sul (no Brasil em particular) foram desenvolvidas e adaptadas às condições semelhantes da agricultura praticada emMadagascar pelo Tany sy Fampandroasana (TAFA) e pelo Centro de Cooperação Internacional em Pesquisa Agronômica para o desenvolvimento (CIRAD, em particular com o apoio contínuo do Dr. Lucien Séguy) nas ecologias variadas da Grande Ilha : Altiplanos em altitude com estação fria , Lago Alaotra e Médio Oeste em média altitude, com uma estação seca marcada , Sudeste quente e úmido todo ano , Sudoeste semi-árido , etc.

Mots-clés : Intégration agriculture élevage, formation, plante de couverture, petite agriculture familiale, systèmes agropastoraux, couverture permanente, politique publique, scv, diffusion

Smallholder Conservation Agriculture Promotion (SCAP)

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Programme for strengthening livelihood strategies and socio-economic growth among farming communities in Western and Central Africa through sustainable application of conservation agriculture.

Mots-clés : diffusion, petite agriculture familiale, Socio-économie, politique publique

Conservation Agriculture Newsletter

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Newsletter with papers about CA World Congress : New Delhi Declaration on Conservation Agriculture (CA), paper of K.L. Chadha about CA and horticulture Systems, paper of Rattan Lal about Principles of sustainable soil management

Mots-clés : formation, fertilité, Socio-économie, politique publique

(poster) Direct seeding Mulch based Cropping systems (DMC) in Lao PDR

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A sector-based program in agroecology for a national extension of DMC According to the results obtained by the Lao National Agroecology Program (PRONAE), the Council of Ministers asked, on the one hand, to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) to promote DMC technologies to the whole of Lao PDR and, on the other hand, that this approach is registered in he university and school courses. The national authorities required from Cirad and AFD a support for the implementation of a sector based program in agroecology

Mots-clés : diffusion, Agriculture de conservation, petite agriculture familiale, formation, politique publique, scv

Regional Workshop On Conservation Agriculture (Laos)Investing In Sustainable Agriculture: The Case of Conservation Agriculture and Direct Seeding Mulch-Based Cropping Systems 28 October - 1 November 2008Phonsavanh, Xieng Khouang, Lao PDR

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Three main objectives have been defined for this workshop: Discuss on research and extension approaches and transfer of knowledge for different stakeholders and to analyze the main constraints in up-scaling CA alternatives Develop a knowledge base in the field of Conservation Agriculture based on the experiences of the different countries of the GMS region in creating and validating CA and DMC systems. Strengthen and facilitate exchanges between countries of the GMS region and to promote regional exchanges and synergies in the field of Conservation Agriculture.

Mots-clés : Agriculture de conservation, politique publique, scv
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