Direct seeding Mulch based Cropping systems (DMC) under Eau Sol Arbre (ESA) project Since 1994 Sodecoton, through the DPGT and ESA projects, has popularised several techniques for soil fertility maintenance on over 150 000 ha in the north of Cameroon (Sadou et al, 2005): This include anti-erosion management (weeded bands, stone lines and reach,....), leguminous trees planting and preservation in cultivated fields (preservation of Acacia albida tree), promotion of organic manure. In addition to these large scale extension actions, conservation agriculture (CA) was experimented through cropping systems improvement approach developed by CIRAD, based on DMC (Direct seeding - Mulchbased - Cropping systems) practices. From 2001 to 2005, DMC techniques were designed and tested by more than 70 farmers in their fields in North and Far North provinces of Cameroon.