What is the term "land use" and "land cover" ?
These terms often come together and are often erroneously used interchangeably; however, each term has a very specific meaning.
Land cover[1] is commonly defined as the vegetation (natural or planted) or man-made constructions (buildings, etc.) which occur on the earth surface. Water, ice, bare rock, sand and similar surfaces also count as land cover.
Land use[2] is commonly defined as a series of operations on land, carried out by humans, with the intention to obtain products and/or benefits through using land resources.
Land use and land cover have some fundamental differences. Land use refers to the purpose the land serves, for example, recreation, wildlife habitat or agriculture, while land cover refers to the surface cover on the ground, whether vegetation, urban infrastructure, water or bare soil. Understanding both give a full comprehension of a particular area.
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The difference between “land use” and “land cover":