Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is known as a very invasive weed, difficult to get rid of. All over the world, practices have been developed to try to eradicate this widely spread and common weed (Burton and Hanna, 1984). They are often based on intense land preparation with several ploughings, especially at the beginning of the dry season, and important work for removing the rhizomes and weeding during the cultivation period. However, Cynodon dactylon is a good forage, widely used by farmers to feed their animals. But it also has several properties of a good cover crop: growing on poor soil, rapidly covering the soil and thus preventing erosion, having a deep and dense rooting system (improving soil structure, recycling nutrients), suppressing most other weeds, etc. Trying to get benefit from these qualities instead of fighting against this «weed», TAFA (Tany sy Fampandrosoana) and CIRAD (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement), with farmers, have developed techniques of direct seeding, using Cynodon dactylon as a soil cover, in various agro-ecological areas of Madagascar.