Dry-farming system is commonly used in the Algerian semi-arid High Plateaus. It is based on cereal/sheep production in a cereal-fallow rotation. This cropping system degrades the structure f thetilled horizon and reduces its organic matter content (Kribaa et al, 2001). Soil structure degradation is reported as a major constraint regarding water infiltration, redistribution and storage in the soil profile (Canolly, 1998). It often results from the disturbance induced by tillage-tools. Under the crop growth conditions of the Sétif High Plateaus, as far as soil humidity is concerned, it appeared clearly that fallow till gave best results than no-till. This may be explained by the surface crusting that seals soil and by the absence of pores connectivity in the no-tilled fallow which penalized crop at the beginning of the season through a low stand. Hence under the no-till option,chiselling i.e. no soil reversing seems required. Direct seeding on cover crop may also be explored in theses conditions.